Method Matters – The Editorial Reviews are In!

I’m thrilled to announce that after much hard work and anticipation, the editorial reviews for my book, Method Matters, are in! I’m happy to share that they are all high recommendations, praising the book’s insights, impact, and accessibility! This book is the first book I’ve ever written, so as a new author, it is very motivating to see that it is being well received, especially by professionals in the field of writing.

The sections below feature blurbs from reviews I’ve received from renowned indie book reviews. You can click on them to read the full reviews.

"A simple introduction to critical thinking and its practical benefits that readers will find easy to grasp."
"Readers can appreciate how well he outlines more complex topics in an easy-to-read, simple guide that is not bogged down in jargon and difficult-to-follow examples."
"Most readers will leave this book with a new, valuable tool to their goal-achieving tool belt."

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